We connect people with opportunity through immersive experiences in VR/AR

About Us

BeThere Immersive (BTI) is a company on a mission to revolutionize the way people connect with career opportunities and drive workforce development. Leveraging cutting-edge VR/MR technology, we create immersive experiences that bridge the gap between individuals and exciting career opportunities.

We transport individuals into realistic environments where they can engage with their desired professions firsthand. This innovative approach allows them to gain invaluable insights, assess their skills and interests, and make informed decisions about their career paths

Join us as we revolutionize career exploration, connect people with opportunities, and shape the future of workforce development.


WorkforceLink connects career explorers and companies in need of talent. It provides an immersive journey of career discovery, aiding students and job seekers in making informed educational and career decisions. 

MyCareerPathVR brings this content to life by showcasing exciting opportunities and day-in-the-life experiences from diverse companies and tech schools, offering a truly immersive, firsthand perspective on potential career paths.

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